The BHA has held 3 National Shows, The first, in 1997, was a celebration of 50 years of the Hamster Fancy in the UK. In 2000, we held a millennium show as part of Rabbit 2000 and in 2002 we celebrated our 10th anniversary.

50th Anniversary Show | Rabbit 2000

whole show, click to enlarge click to enlarge Pamela and Carol David Baglin
Busy at it Mrs Wendy Palmer judging Syrian Short Haired Miss Pamela Milward judging dwarfs Mr David Baglin judging Syrian Long-Haired

Peter in form David and Jeannie Best in Show
Peter Logsdail in top form Mrs Jeannie Parlett presents Best Opposite Sex to Mr D Baglin ...and Best in Show to ABC Hamstery, well done!